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Digital Analytics and Measuring Your ROI

When you’re investing money and time into a digital business strategy, you obviously want to be sure you’re getting the most out of your efforts. It’s important to constantly be tracking results and adapting your strategy in response. However, with so many facets to the digital marketing landscape, it can be difficult to know how to measure your return on investment.

To start, you need to be sure what you’re looking for from your digital efforts — what does a successful digital marketing campaign look like for your business? Ensure you have specific, measurable, assignable, relevant and time-based goals to focus on. This will act as a starting point to determine which questions need to be asked when analysing the collected data.

From there, the challenge is in translating analytics into actionable business insights.

There’s a lot to think about

On average, marketers use more than 12 distinct toolsets for digital analytics, resulting in immensely fragmented data. This makes it difficult to gain a holistic view of your digital marketing successes and failures. 

When introducing new platforms and software, consider how the programs will integrate with your business’s existing systems and reporting processes, and attempt to avoid further data fragmentation.

Harder to measure metrics such as brand awareness can have a significant impact on the success of your online presence and future conversions, so be sure not to ignore them in favour of more easily quantifiable data.

On Google Analytics

One of the most popular web analytics services is offered by Google, with 30 million websites utilising the free system.

Although easy to implement, few people know how to leverage Google Analytics to its full potential, so take some time to investigate the possibilities.

Google Analytics offers insight into the source of your website’s traffic, the user groups and demographics of its visitors, and the behaviour of those visitors once on your site. Learn how users navigate your website, which pages generate conversions and more.

Feeling a little overwhelmed?

WebEagles combines live metrics from Google Analytics, Google Ads, social media platforms, email marketing software and more into a single Digital Dashboard, offering granular insight into the performance of your digital strategies.

Digital Dashboard allows users to look at all their digital metrics in one place, create fully interactive reports in seconds, and access data from the cloud at any time.

Analyse and adjust

The possibilities are endless when it comes to digital marketing, but you won’t get the most out of its capabilities if you’re not willing to follow the data. Don’t be afraid to test and trial new strategies and ideas on your website, social media and in email marketing campaigns. Keep an eye on what works for your business — what doesn’t — and keep improving.