New To Advertising? Here Are the Common Google Ads Mistakes to Avoid

When attempting something for the first time, or learning a new skill, mistakes and failures are bound to happen. Although this is a normal part of the learning experience, the last thing a beginner wants is for any mistakes to cost them money.

When it comes to Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising such as Google Ads, common mistakes by new advertisers can become costly. Avoiding common mistakes in Google Ads is critical to a successful digital marketing campaign. Google Ads may seem complex at first, but once you understand the possible errors, you can easily prevent any issues.

So, without further ado, here are the common Google Ads mistakes to avoid:

Not Using the Right Keyword Matches

There are three categories of keywords that all advertisers should be familiar with, these are:

  1. Broad match: When you use broad match keywords, your ads will show up when people search for your given keywords, therefore your ads will appear no matter the order of the words typed in the search.
  2. Phrase match: When you target phrase match keywords, your ads will appear when people search for your keywords in that exact order. If you want to enter a phrase match keyword, enclose it in double quotation marks.
  3. Exact match: When using exact match keywords, your ads will only display when the exact keyword that you are targeting is typed as a search term

For the best results, combine the three keyword matches.

Not Using Negative Keywords

By using a negative keyword, you can exclude keywords that are not a good match for your product or service. Doing so will ultimately lower your cost and increase your revenue. Using negative keywords also helps you increase your Google Ads quality score.

Location Targeting Errors

In Australia, Google Ads are automatically set to the entire nation. This means, if the setting is not turned off, someone who lives in Sydney searching for a dentist on Google could get an ad from a dentist in Melbourne. It is important to be specific regarding location, for example, if you have a physical location, set a location radius, this will only display ads to nearby searchers.

Lack of Ad Extensions and Writing Only One Ad per Ad Group

Having only a single ad in each ad group is a big mistake. Be sure to include multiple ads per ad group to test what does and doesn’t work. Optimally, you should have at least three to five ads in each group, then test your headlines and ad copy to find the winning ads.

Ad extensions are the add-ons on a Google Ad, such as links and phone numbers at the bottom. This helps boost the quality score of the ad, which will help it rank higher in Google search results. Adding ad extensions is a simple way to increase quality score, and it only takes a few minutes to include.

Using Inaccurate Tracking

Tracking conversions allows you to evaluate the results of your Google Ads campaigns. By setting up a proper tracking code, you can monitor which campaigns or keywords led to someone purchasing your product or signing up for a service. This allows you to decipher which keywords work and which negative keywords should be added.

For more information related to Google Ads, contact WebEagles on 1300 123 808, and one of our digital marketing experts will be able to answer all of your questions.