Content Marketing Agency Sydney

Remarketing – what is it?

To put simply, remarketing is a way to connect with those who have previously interacted with your website or mobile app. Remarketing allows you to strategically position your ads in front of these audiences as they browse Google or its partner websites, thus ultimately helping you increase your brand awareness or remind those people to make a purchase.

The Benefits of Remarketing:

Whether you are looking to actively drive sales, increase registrations, or to promote awareness of your brand, remarketing can be a strategic element to your online advertising. Here are a few benefits of utilising remarketing:

  • Well-timed targeting: You can display your ads to people who have previously interacted with your business right when they are searching elsewhere and are more likely to make a purchase. You can also assist your customers in finding you by displaying your ads when they are actively looking for your business on Google Search.
  • Focused advertising: You can create remarketing lists to advertise for specific cases. For instance, you may create a remarketing list that targets potential customers who added an item to their shopping basket but is yet to complete the transaction.
  • Large-scale reach: You can reach those on your remarketing lists across their devices as they browse over two million websites and mobile applications.
  • Flexible budget: Like all other Google advertising tools, you will have complete control of the budget and reporting tools to help you make smart spending decisions regarding your remarketing campaigns.
  • Reduce loss: One of the best features is that remarketing allows brands to re-engage visitors that are no longer on their website. Remarketing gives your brand a second chance to bring a prospective customer back into the fold.

Remarketing coupled with SEO, social media or standard advertising can be a secondary line of attraction to your brand. For more information on how remarketing can benefit your business contact WebEagles on 1300 123 808.