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How to choose the best social media platform for your business?

It is no secret that social media is among the most effective digital marketing methods that small businesses have at their disposal.

If you are looking to improve your digital marketing practices, you must have a social media presence on either Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn – or even a combination of all three. When used right, these platforms become a driving force for engagement, website traffic, leads and sales.

However, it is important to remember that not all social media platforms are created the same. Each platform has their unique set of users, varying in the way they engage with content. Businesses should be aware of these differences when deciding to invest in social media marketing on a platform, as it may impact how effective their marketing efforts are.

Here is what you must consider when choosing an ideal social media platform for your online marketing:

The Nature of Your Business

Is your company business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C)? For B2C companies, Instagram and Facebook are the ideal platforms to help you gain visibility, visually engage, and interact with customers. For B2B we recommend LinkedIn, as it helps target current and potential clients, and assists in building personal and professional connections.

Focus on Your Website

Your website is the backbone of your digital footprint. Make sure your website is unique. Add valuable content and make the user experience exceptional. Once your website is set up, you can drive traffic from social media to your site, and vice versa.

Research your competitors

Researching your competitors should be on the top of your list when choosing which platforms to invest in. Check out what kind of content they are publishing, where they are posting, how often they post, and how many users are engaging with their platform. Once you determine which social media platform is gaining the best results, choose that one.

Target Audience

Instead of jumping onto the newest social media platform, spend time researching your target audience, and where you can find them. Some cases, Google search will deliver the highest return; in others, Facebook or Instagram may be where your customers are looking.

Client Demographics

What do you already know about your customers regarding demographics? Are they more mature, younger, female, male? It is important that you undergo a bit of research on this. Once you dive into demographics, you will be able to narrow down the best platform suited for your business. You will also want to consider how active your audience is on that platform. For example, young Facebook users may have profiles, however, they tend to be more active on Instagram or TikTok.

If you need support in finding which social media platform is best suited for your business, contact WebEagles on 1300 123 808, and one of our friendly digital marketing experts will be able to answer all of your questions.