Seo Marketing Sydney

How can a responsive website attract new customers?

Did you know that your website design can have an enormous positive or negative effect on your business? Nowadays, the responsiveness of your website is critical to its success.

A responsive website design will make sure that the layout and content adapt to the size of the screen on which it is presented. In other words, a smartphone user won’t have to pinch, zoom, and try to click on small links if a site uses a responsive website design. Responsive website design can detect the device on which it is shown and will automatically rearrange the pages for the best user experience.

You may have a website that looks great on a desktop or laptop monitor, however, if a smartphone or tablet user loses functionality, they are likely to decide to drop off your site and look elsewhere. This becomes a huge problem when building your brand or business.

So, how can a responsive website attract new customers?

Giving Site Users a Positive Experience Regardless of Device

Nowadays, around half of your consumers will be accessing your website from a mobile phone or tablet. If your website isn’t designed to be accessible on all devices, you may lose your potential customers’ interest due to the bad user experience.

Reinforcing Your Business’s Identity

Your website is truly the backbone of your business. A responsive website design allows you to nurture your business identity and brand as an ongoing process and provides the customer with a positive experience.

Improve Your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Efforts

Search engines give preference to websites that are mobile-friendly. In combination with other SEO factors, responsiveness can help give you a great boost in search engine results. The closer you are to the top of the results page, the better the chance that potential customers will find you.

Our team of expert web designers at WebEagles have years of experience in responsive web design. When we start working with your brand, optimising the website will be one of our first priorities, and we’ll take you through a step-by-step process to show you just how much your customers – and therefore your business – will benefit from a transition to a responsive web design layout.

For more information contact us on 1300 123 808, and one of our web design experts will be able to answer any of your questions.